A Complete Guide To Turnstiles

There seem to be so many different options available these days when it comes to security for business premises. It can be incredibly confusing and not many people know everything about all of these different solutions, so sometimes the best options are overlooked simply because they might not be as well known.

A security solution that isn’t as well known and is often forgotten is the turnstile. If you are looking for a new security solution and are open to exploring every option then we would definitely recommend you keep reading. We have put together a complete guide to turnstiles to help you get to know this security solution.

What are turnstiles?

To put it simply, a turnstile is a security gate that uses stiles and a ratchet mechanism and optionally a drive. This mechanism is specifically used to allow the rotation of the stile in one or either direction which in turn, enables someone to enter or allows egress.

Where are they used?

You will find turnstiles are used in a wide variety of settings, some of the most common include stadiums, amusement parks, office lobbies, airports, ski resorts, and casinos. There really are no rules regarding where you can and can’t use a turnstile and if you think it is the best solution for your security, then there is no reason why it can’t work for your needs.

Why are they used?

One of the main reasons why turnstile gates are used is to control the flow of foot traffic through the entrance and exit points of a building, without the need for manned monitoring. However, they can also be used to increase security, count visitors and they are regularly chosen to restrict access to areas only allowing entry from people who have a specific ticket or pass.

People choose to use turnstiles specifically for the prevention of piggybacking and tailgating. They are the perfect solution for stopping any unauthorised person following an authorised person through either with or without their knowledge.

Are there different types of turnstiles?

There are many different security gates that use a turnstile mechanism but the two most popular and, the ones that people picture when you mention a turnstile is a waist-high turnstile and a full-height turnstile. This fixed arm style has traditionally been the most popular type of turnstile, although drop arms are also an option for emergency exit.

Most of the time you will see a waist-high turnstile in busy public places, however, if you are considering installing them in somewhere quieter you may want to consider opting for a full-height security turnstile gate. We recommend this because people have been known for jumping over waist-height turnstiles and this defeats the object of the security gate.

Do I need more than one turnstile?

This really does depend on the amount of foot traffic you experience. On average, if all goes smoothly, the crossing capacity in free access mode can offer 60 users per minute or a crossing capacity in single access mode, of 25 people per minute. This can differ depending on who you have entering and what they need in order to enter.

This flow rate will work well for many business properties, however, if you have incredibly busy time periods then you should consider investing in multiple turnstiles. Ideally, you want to keep your foot traffic flowing smoothly preventing people from having to wait and causing issues in this regard.

How do I go about installing them?

If you are considering installing security turnstile gates in your business property then please get in touch with the EA Group today. We are a team of experienced professionals who can provide you with a wide range of turnstile access control systems.

No matter what you are looking to get out of your turnstile system, the EA Group can provide you with a bespoke turnstile solution. We have installed these automatic barriers for pedestrian control, to count visitors and also for security purposes to work alongside existing access control systems. Whether you are looking for a turnstile to work with a swipe card, barcode, bio-metrics, coins, tokens or tickets, the EA Group can assist you.