A Guide To The EA Group’s Revolving Doors

It is becoming more and more common for commercial properties to replace their current standard doors for revolving doors. There are so many benefits to revolving doors, you can find out more about these in our previous blog, and, of course, with such a wide range of revolving doors available there is a perfect door for every property.

If you have decided that you would like to install a revolving door at your business building, you may have noticed that the current market can be quite hard to navigate. To help anyone currently browsing revolving doors, the EA Group have put together a complete guide to the different revolving doors that we can offer.


Manual revolving doors

This type of door is quite self-explanatory and as the name suggests the door is powered solely by the user. Manual revolving doors tend to be the preferred solution where space is limited, they can easily be adjusted to meet the available space. This low energy revolving door can be made in three or four-wing configurations and they can be framed or frameless depending on your personal preference, needs and requirements.


Power-assisted revolving door

These are probably the most popular type of revolving door and they are a happy medium between the manual and a fully automatic door. Users will need to lightly push the power-assisted revolving doors to start the doorset rotating and then they can simply pass through. Again, this type of door can be designed and built to your building dimensions, be three or four-wing configurations and either framed or frameless.


High capacity revolving door

High capacity revolving doors are specifically designed for buildings that experience large volumes of foot traffic. These doors can be two, three and four-wing and, the fewer wings you have, the more space you will have in the segments of these revolving doors. High capacity doors are usually always automatic and will be framed, but you can choose from a range of finishes for this.


Framed revolving door

When the majority of people picture a revolving door, this is the type that they will envisage. Framed revolving doors are based upon the traditional centre pivoting shaft concept and can be manual or automatic. They are available in a range of finishes to make the door look contemporary, traditional, or a mix between the two and they can have either three or four rotating compartments. This classic door works really well at the majority of properties.


All-glass revolving door

Again, the name of this door is quite self-explanatory. All-glass revolving doors highlight the beauty and versatility of glass, and look incredibly elegant. This type of door is available as manual, power-assisted or automatic and they are known for being energy efficient. Unlike the framed doors, these can be manufactured in size increments of one millimetre, both width and height, to ensure exact fitting.


Turning to the EA Group for your revolving doors

Hopefully, the above guide has helped you understand a little bit more about the revolving doors on the market and you may now be able to make a decision regarding which type of door is best for your company. If you have any further questions at all regarding these doors, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Any revolving door that you purchase from the EA Group will be produced by a team of highly-skilled staff that only use quality materials and innovative automation solutions. Once the doors are made, every revolving door installation is carefully planned and carried out by qualified engineers. As incredibly experienced revolving door suppliers, you can trust that you are in safe hands with the EA Group.