Erico House, Putney

This started as a simple enquiry for a revolving door and quickly developed into something quite unique. The designer was looking for an all-glass door that could be put into a Corten rusty steel entrance for an office scheme in Putney, London. The information provided to EA was very minimal, below was the concept image we were provided:

Not only did we offer the revolving door but also the Corten surround that other companies that had been approached were not interested in. Below are some of the drawings we developed:

The end result now installed is a far cry from the enquiry we received and looks great within the newly fitted out offices.

The interior of the building is non-standard too, the staircase incorporates and slide to return back to the ground floor should you wish:

Are you looking for something similar? Please contact us via our web enquiry form or call us on 01372 459536 for advice and estimating services