Must-Have Security Solutions For High-Security Locations

There are a number of different commercial properties across multiple different industry sectors which are classed as ‘high-security’ and therefore require a number of additional security solutions to keep them protected. From banks and jewellery stores to museums and laboratories, it is undeniably important for these locations to have impressive security solutions and without them, they are at a higher risk of common security threats.


Thankfully, nowadays there are a number of brilliant versatile security solutions that can be used across all industries and in numerous different locations to provide properties with the additional protection that they so desperately require. Of course, with lots of different effective options available to choose from, it can be difficult to know which will be most beneficial in high-security locations. So, to help anyone who is currently deciding which security solutions they should invest in, below is a list of must-haves for your property.


Commercial CCTV systems

Many will agree that a CCTV surveillance system is one of the most beneficial security solutions that you can invest in, whether you’re a small corner shop with minimal threats or a large electrical store that is a common target for criminal activity. For many, their CCTV cameras play a key role in monitoring security both inside and around their property.


Of course, a comprehensive commercial CCTV system will enable you to see all areas of your high-security location at all times of day, so you can ensure that nothing goes unnoticed. It isn’t uncommon for CCTV cameras to be a visual deterrent for criminals too and simply having a full surveillance system installed can prevent them from even attempting to gain access and conduct illegal activities on your premises. So, this simple security system is incredibly effective.


Car park barrier entry systems

Whilst it can be easy to overlook, protecting the perimeter of your high-security location is just as essential as protecting the building itself and, for this reason, car park barrier systems are an undeniably beneficial security solution. These automatic barrier systems will help to prevent any unauthorised vehicles from even being able to get onto your premises.


It isn’t uncommon for car park barrier entry systems to be paired with automatic number plate recognition systems to enhance security further and, together, they can make a dramatic difference to the security of your perimeter and, in turn, your property. Another system that is worthwhile considering if you have a car park is an automatic security bollard system and, similarly to a barrier, this system can prevent the access of any authorised vehicles.


Door access control systems

Another must-have security solution for any high-security location is an access control system. As the name suggests, these systems are specifically designed to control the access to your premises and they are incredibly effective in doing so. Arguably, access control solutions are one of the most versatile options available to protect your premises too.


Most commonly, access control systems are fitted to single and double doors, but they can also be used on turnstiles, barriers and gates too. So, not only can they be used inside your property, but they can benefit the surrounding exterior areas too. When you install fully managed access control systems at your high-security location, you will always be in complete control over who is able to move freely around different areas, which is undoubtedly essential.


Installing security solutions at your premises

It is fair to say that in order to increase the security of your premises to the high level required, you will likely need multiple different security systems installed and, thankfully, it is easy to integrate a number of these so that they work well alongside one another. Ultimately, any of the security solutions mentioned above will work brilliantly at a high-security location, so they are all worthwhile considering when wanting to upgrade your current security.


Should you wish to speak to an experienced company about increasing the level of security at your premises, please don’t hesitate to contact us here at The EA Group. We pride ourselves on combining advanced security integration and automation technology with the reliability of service and quality of standards to provide our clients with the exemplary security systems that they require. No matter what type of security you’re interested in installing or what your individual requirements may be, you can trust that you will be in the best hands with our expert team.