The advantages of an integrated access control service

For some businesses, security tends to work one of two ways. Without the proper preparation it is generally either a constant panic or an afterthought. Businesses in the second camp often end up being led to the first because of a lucky escape or falling victim to a security breach themselves. The best place to be is somewhere in between, and at EA Group we believe that there are some helpful pieces of technology that can help you find this balance.

Access control services are the perfect example. Access control is a broad term that encompasses any security solution used to enable or prevent entry to a particular area of your site. This could include keypads, swipe cards, access tokens or even biometrics. Getting access control right can help you find the perfect balance with your business security for some much-needed peace of mind.

In this blog we’ll explain why many organisations are moving towards access control services that integrate alongside one another as well as your IT system, as well as the specific benefits that it can bring for your team.

Manage your security from anywhere

In the past access control systems were installed on an analogue basis. They did their job and that was it. The only indication that there had been any potential security breach was an alarm being sounded on site. Things are changing now.

With an integrated access control system, you can see the status of every device from one or more PCs. This is not only great for getting a clear overview of all your systems, but it allows for easier management.

Using your PC, you can update user access levels much more easily. At the push of a button, you can adjust permissions or even bar users from the premises entirely. This system can be scaled up to your needs – we’ve supplied premises with hundreds of doors and thousands of users.

Event reporting

As we mentioned previously, with analogue access control services you had very little information when it came to who was where around your premises. With integrated systems, you get a range of options.

Event reporting shows at a glance who is where around your site, by tracking which doors have been activated. You can monitor events as they happen or see detailed record logs. We know this sounds like a lot of detail, but for high-security areas in financial or manufacturing businesses, it’s a must. Event reporting also flags any time a door has been forced.

Remote monitoring

We know now that remote working is here to stay. You should be able to get the same peace of mind when working from home as you do when you’re in the office. An integrated access control service can help.

If any doors are forced or someone tries to access a restricted area of your site, you can set up your system to automatically send an email or text. This means you know exactly what has happened, even if you’re not there. Our systems also allow you to integrate your access control with your CCTV, monitoring them through the same device. If a door is forced, you can quickly cross-reference with CCTV to learn more.

Our security systems integrate with your intruder alarm. This stops you from entering the building if you do not have permission to unset the alarm. This helps to prevent false alarms and late-night call-outs.

HR and safety features

Access control isn’t just about security. It can also provide an extra level of convenience for many members of your team. Our management system comes bundled with a timesheet feature that gives you a complete record of who accessed your site and when. This allows you to create an accurate time and attendance report that helps with managing payroll and holiday hours.

This service is also ideal for workplace safety. You can link your access control alongside your fire alarms. This means that not only do you have a clear view of attendance during an emergency, but your access control will automatically unlock or open any doors around your premise. This service has tremendous value for just about any industry, but we’ve seen it put to great use in the education sector alongside our range of speed gates.

While this does sound like a lot of benefits, you might be worried about the user-friendliness of a comprehensive access control system. At EA we believe that we can teach any potential administrator to become an expert within 2 hours. Systems that control multiple sites and hundreds of doors need to be intuitive, and at EA we can provide this.

For more information about our access control systems or any of the benefits mentioned here, get in touch at +44 (0) 1372 459536.