The top six business security trends of 2022

The world of business security is always evolving. As new technologies develop and new threats emerge, our methods of keeping workplaces safe have to keep up. 

At EA Group, we specialise in a range of security solutions, from doors and speed gates to CCTV and access control solutions. Our security experts are always on the lookout for exciting developments in the industry, and we thought it was high time to share some of the most eye-catching trends. So without further ado, here are our top 6 business security trends of 2022 so far!

1. Touch-free solutions
In 2022, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a rise in  hands-free access solutions. Using hands-free access control eliminates any contact with a door or handle, which makes it more hygienic as well as convenient.

There are a range of hands-free access control devices such as automatic door operators that use proximity sensors. The Paxton technology that we provide picks up the signal from your proximity card or key fob, without you having to present it to the reader.

These kinds of touch-free solutions are ideal in environments where hygiene is a higher priority, such as hospitals. It’s also a convenient, time-saving option for settings like disabled access, warehouses, busy offices and vehicle access.

2. Multi-factor authentication

Integrated multi-factor authentication is essentially having more than one way of unlocking your gates and doors. Adding extra layers of security can bolster your security system and with technology like hands-free access control, it can still be easy to use. These kinds of applications work well in larger buildings, where compliance and security are crucial.

EA Group offer a range of products that can give your space added layers of security and management for your people-flow. Our partner’s NEDAP access control systems can handle a full range of multi-factor controls to keep your building safe and secure.

3. Subscription-based services

With flexible and remote working business models, offices are often less occupied with workers. There was a significant rise in subscription-based access control systems for businesses whose offices were closed over the pandemic too. This way, they didn’t have to pay the usual amount of fees for security and monitoring whilst their buildings had closed up shop over lockdowns. With a subscription service you can also only pay for the services you want. You can also test how a system works before seeking to advance it further.

4. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly advanced. Though the technology is still young it’s rapidly growing. AI-powered CCTV cameras are already capable of discerning people from objects, facial recognition, analysing potentially dangerous objects and more.

As access systems move closer towards integrated control systems, more and more functions are able to be programmed and pre-set. Because typical security entrances don’t have AI built into their technology, integrated intelligence systems are built up from collaborative, third-party solutions.

Where we don’t yet currently have in-built HAL from ‘Space Odyssey’, we do have access control systems such as automated event responses for security, a range of automatic access systems, and control systems that could be easily integrated with facial and vehicle recognition technology.

5. Upgrading from legacy systems

This seems like an obvious one. However, with BT’s plan to turn off analogue telecommunication lines, security systems are changing. By 2025, all alarm, security and access systems will need to be using broadband in order to work. This means that businesses can no longer rely on a camera system from the 80s or an alarm in a stock house that uses the legacy lines.

Many companies have already made the switch to broadband as the benefits are substantial for workflow, building security and functionality. However, many companies that have already made the switch often still have some old hardware that might use the legacy lines. Large camera systems are sometimes expensive to replace and as a result, might not get replaced as often.

If your security system is still using analogue phone lines, we would strongly advise updating to an internet-based system. We don’t want you to get caught out when the switch-off arrives in your area! 2025 is only around the corner.

6. Cloud-based access control

With the move towards internet protocol technology in most UK premises, there has been a surge towards cloud-based access control systems. These can be managed entirely remotely and give admins the ability to allow or deny access wherever they are. Being able to grant access from a smartphone or intercom gives staff flexibility on whether or not they are in the building at the time.

Cloud-based access control solutions don’t compromise on security either. The same hardware can remain in place, simply with different access controls. Many of these can be seamlessly integrated into your existing security systems.

EA Group have been supplying solutions for company entrance for just under 40 years. We have supplied within sectors such as healthcare, education, transportation, residential, construction and many more. If you are looking for bespoke access, we will have a package that suits your needs. No matter how big or small, we have an access solution for you. Head to our contact page or call us on +44 (0) 1372 459536 and we can discuss the best solution for you.